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THE MEDUSA FILE is the first book in the Harvey Ashton series and sets the foundation for the continuing story. It is an action adventure novel that will appeal to both young and mature readers. The main character is Harvey Ashton, a teenager who suffers tragedy early in his life, the death of his parents, but their bodies were never found. The chance discovery of a mysterious file left by his father, leads Harvey to question the circumstances around their disappearance. He travels to Japan and becomes involved with an adventure, one that may offer answers to his past but also poses many risks.

The Medusa File

ISBN: Hardcover  978-1-4828-6655-1

         Softcover   978-1-4828-6654-4

         eBook        978-1-4828-6656-8


When Harvey Ashton finds a secret file hidden by his father, he begins to wonder if his parents' death was really an accident. The file has three names on it, two of which Harvey has never heard of, but the third name he knows very well. The search for the truth behind the tragic death of his parents takes him on an adventure to Japan, where he meets a helpful stranger. He needs to decide if he can trust this man. Doing so puts his life in danger, but it could also help him discover the truth about his parents.

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